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Selected care worker statistics


Non-Irish EU citizens and care workers in the UK, by country of residence, 2016-2018Non-Irish EU citizens and care workers in the UK, by area of residence, 2016-2018
CountryEU citizensEU care workersRegionEU citizensEU care workers
England2,997,00059,000North East45,000<4,000
Wales72,000<4,000North West265,000<4,000
Scotland200,0005,000Yorkshire & Humberside202,000<4,000
Northern Ireland91,000<4,000East Midlands242,0004,000
Total3,359,00067,000West Midlands258,0005,000
South East408,00012,000
South West200,00010,000
Northern Ireland91,000<4,000
Source: Migration Observatory analysis of APS, 2016-2018.

Note: excludes people who did not respond to question on nationality; figures may not add to totals due to rounding and non-response.
Source: Migration Observatory analysis of APS, 2016-2018.

Note: excludes people who did not respond to question on nationality; figures may not add to totals due to rounding and and non-response.

Duration of Residence

Non-Irish EU citizens and care workers in the UK, by duration of residence, 2016-2018
Years in UKEU citizensEU care workers
<2 years295,0006,000
<5 years 1,025,00018,000
>5 years 2,007,00048,000
Non-Irish EU citizens and care workers in the UK, by duration of residence (%), 2016-2018
Years in UKEU citizensEU care workers
<2 years 9%9%
<5 years31%27%
>5 years60%72%
Source: Migration Observatory analysis of APS, 2016-2018.

Note: excludes people who did not respond to questions on duration of residence or nationality; duration of residence is from year of most recent arrival; data on absences from UK are limited, so figures and percentages may not represent eligibility for pre-settled vs settled status; nor do they necessarily reflect current eligibility for settled vs pre-settled status as figures are based on 2016-2018 data; figures and percentages may not sum to totals due to rounding and non-response.


Non-Irish EU citizens and care workers in the UK, by ethnicity, 2016-2018Total population and care workers in the UK, by selected nationality groups, 2016-2018 - all nationalities
EthnicityEU citizensEU care workersNationalityTotal UK populationCare workers
Mixed/Multiple ethnic groups72,000<4,000EU81,524,00031,000
Asian background134,000<4,000EU2460,00014,000
Black/African/Caribbean/Black British133,0006,000Non-EU2,425,00088,000
Other ethnic group184,000<4,000UK + Irish59,395,0001,144,000
Total3,359,00067,000Total 65,204,0001,298,000
Source: Migration Observatory analysis of APS, 2016-2018.

Note: figures may not sum to totals due to rounding and non-response to nationality and ethnicity questions.
Source: Migration Observatory analysis of APS, 2016-2018.

Note: figures may not sum to totals due to rounding and non-response.
Non-Irish EU citizens and care workers in the UK, by sex, 2016-2018Non-Irish EU citizens and care workers in the UK, by main language spoken at home, 2016-2018
SexEU citizensEU care workersLanguageEU citizensEU care workers
Source: Migration Observatory analysis of APS, 2016-2018.

Note: figures may not sum to totals due to rounding and non-response.
Source: Migration Observatory analysis of APS, 2016-2018.

Note: English includes English, Welsh, Gaelic and Ulster Scots/Ullans; data exclude under 16 year olds.

Work Conditions (1)

Employed non-Irish EU citizens and care workers in the UK, aged 16 years and older, by type of shift work, Q2 2019Employed non-Irish EU citizens and care workers in the UK, aged 16 years and older, by benefits claimed, 2016-2018
Shift workEmployed EU citizensEU care workersBenefits claimedEmployed EU citizens EU care workers
Night/evening shift157,00012,000Yes524,00026,000
Other shift work282,00016,000No answer5,000<4,000
Question not asked or no answer547,00016,000Total2,129,00067,000
Source: Migration Observatory analysis of LFS, Q2 2019

Note: includes respondents in employment who reported doing shift work in their main job most of the time or occasionally; night/evening shift data include those who work: day and night shifts, full- and part-time evening/twilight shifts and full-time evening shifts; 'Other shift work' includes three-shift working, continental shifts, split shifts and other types of shift work; figures may not sum to totals due to rounding and non-response; some respondents not asked question due to incomplete interview data.
Source: Migration Observatory analysis of APS, 2016-18

Note: includes respondents between 16 and 68 years old in paid and unpaid employment; 'benefits' refer to any State Benefits or Tax Credits, including child benefit; figures may not sum to totals due to rounding and non-response.
Total employed population and care workers in the UK, aged 16 years and older, by agency work, Q4 2019 - all nationalitiesTotal employed population and care workers in the UK, aged 16 years and older, by unionisation, Q4 2019 - all nationalities
Agency workerTotal employed UK populationCare workersMember of a unionTotal employed UK populationCare workers
Total32,820,0001,425,000Not asked question or no answer7,116,000350,000
Source: Migration Observatory analysis of LFS Q4 2019

Note: question asked to employees and self-employed in work during the reference period as well as those who had worked in the eight years preceding the reference period in permanent work and certain types of non-permanent work, such as agency self employment on the side; figures may not sum to totals due to rounding; figures exclude people who do not answer the relevant question.
Source: Migration Observatory analysis of LFS, Q4 2019

Note: some people not asked this question due to incomplete interview data; figures may not sum to totals due to rounding.

Work Conditions (2)

Total employed population and care workers in the UK, by zero hour contracts, Q4 2019 - all nationalitiesTotal full-time employee population and care workers in the UK, aged 16 years and older, by days of paid holiday entitlement per year, Q4 2019 - all nationalitiesTotal employed population and and care workers in the UK, aged 16 years and older, by type of work, Q4 2019 - all nationalities
Zero hour contractTotal employed UK populationCare workersDays of paid holidayTotal full-time employees in UKFull-time care workersType of employmentTotal employed UK populationCare workers
No25,532,000974,000Less than 10413,00021,000Employee27,832,0001,361,000
Yes778,000115,00010 to <20352,00027,000Self employment5,025,00065,000
Not asked question6,673,000338,00020+14,002,000508,000Unpaid family worker127,0004,000
Total32,983,0001,427,000Not asked question6,057,000291,000Total32,983,0001,427,000
Source: Migration Observatory analysis of Q4 LFS, 2019

Note: 'No' includes flexitime, an annualised hours contract, term-time working, job sharing, nine-day fortnights, four-and-a-half day weeks and on-call working; figures may not sum to totals due to rounding; some people not asked this question due to incomplete interview data.
Source: Migration Observatory analysis of LFS, Q4 2019

Note: includes full-time employees only; excludes public holidays; figures may not sum to totals due to rounding; some people not asked this question due to incomplete interview data.
Source: Migration Observatory analysis of LFS, Q4 2019

Note: employees includes those on certain government employment and training schemes; figures may not sum to totals due to rounding.

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